Comfort Hand

Stress Relievers
Relief on general stress When adrenalin levels are high for long duration, thee adrenal glands become depleted. Breathing and digestion can get affected. If you are feeling nervous or queasy, breathe deeply and slowly to increase the oxygen intake and relex your nerve system.
Message for stress step 1 Step 1:

Relex the diaphragm area, work your thumb across the foot as shown, following the ball of the foot.
Message for stress step 2 Step 2:

Thumbwalk the entire length of the diaphram line inorder to release tension.
Message  for stress step 3 Step 3:

Work on the lung to relexe on the chest area so that breathing can be enhanced.
Message for  for stress step 4 Step 4:

Position your thumbs in the centre of the diaphragm line of both feet and then press them as breathes out. Repeat the steps several times.
Message for  for stress step 5 Step 5:

Make a thumbwalk the stomach area and the whole of the instep to aid digestion system.
Message for  for stress step 6 Step 6:

Use your thumb to rotate gently on the adrenal reflex.
Message for  for stress step 7 Step 7:

Work on the neck area where stress abd tension reside and collected.