Step 1:
To relax the diaphragm, hold the foot with your outside hand, bring it down on the thumb of your other hand and lift it off again.
Repeat the movement to work acorss the foot. Relaxing the diaphragm is important to ease the body and to steady breathing.
Step 2:
In order to estblish good breeathing, take both geet and position your thumbs in the centre of the diaphragm line. Press gently with both of your thumbs as your partner exhales; release as they inhale.
Step 3:
Thumbwalk along the spinal relex from the heel to the big toe. Always remember to support the foot. In this instance, use the other hand to support the outside of the foot.
Step 4:
Repeat the movement, going down the spinal reflex. Repeat up and down several time. Slow down to feel for any tight or sensitive parts and rotate gently around those spots.
Step 5:
Using the thumbwalk technique, work up the back of the toes: do this with care as there is likely to be a lot of tenderness in this area.