Neck and back pain is part of daily life for most people, and almost everyone experience it at some point of time. Pain in this area
of the body can be caused by certain disorders, but it also commonly occurs as a result of lifestyle factors - for instance, office
workers often sitting in a slouched position, which puts pressure on the back.
Muscle strain can occur when people place excessive demands on the back - for example, spending many hours gardening, making sudden movement or doing unfamilar physical exercises.
Women often suffer pain during menstruation or when they are pregnant.
Preventative measure
The best way to avoid back pain is to exercise regularly and be consistent about it. Also improve your sitting porture.
Alexander technique, yoga and Pilates may be helpful. Osteopathy and chiropractic can be excellence therapies to deal with backache and spinal misalignments.
Reflexology is another ideal method to deal with general back pain and it is the most simple way.
Step 1:
First, work on the neck reflex area (See foot reflexology chart) to release tension in the corresponding part of the body. Thumb-walk round the base of the big toe, making serveral successive passes.
Step 2:
Now work from the mid-back on the SPINE reflex area to that for the area between the SHOULDER BLADES. Problems in this part of the back can contribute to tension and pain in the neck and upper back.
(See foot reflexology (side) chart)
Step 3:
Start from the TAILBONE reflex area and thumb-walk through the LUMBAR SPINE area serveral times. This is a broad area, so cover it from several angles. (See foot reflexology (side) chart)
Step 4:
Use all four fingers together to finger-walk through the LOWER BACK reflex area. Then, position your hand so the fingertips rest closer to the toes and finger-wlk through this part of the foot. (See foot reflexology (Top) chart)