Comfort Hand

Energy boosters
energy If energy is flowing freely around your body, you will feel active and find it easier to stay positive thoughout the entire day. In turn, if you think positively, your body will response and its actions will be further enhanced. The power of though can influences your physical health and, conversely, your moods are greatly affected by your hormonal balance.
Enhance eneregy level sequence steps for foot reflexology:
Message for Energy enhancement Step 1:

Work on the lungs to improve your breathing.
Message for energy enhancement step 2 Step 2:

Next, work on the liver. The liver is to make proteins which is crucial for for blood clotting and other functions.
Message for energy enhancement step 3 Step 3:

Work on the small intestines to aid thee uptake of nutrients.
Message for energy enhancement step 4 Step 4:

Work on the whole digestive area. What you eat is turned into energy during the digestion process.
Message for energy enhancement step 5 Step 5:

Work the glands on the big toe. Rotatee the adrenals.
Message for energy enhancement step 6 Step 6:

Finally work up and down the spine, your central column of energy flow.